About 30-50% of people in the UK live with persistent pain. Persistent pain negatively impacts on the person’s physical and mental health, their social and home lives and their ability to stay in work. How a person think about their pain can change the way it feels and how they respond to it. Opioids have little or no effect on persistent pain, and often the side effects that many people experience with opioids tend to outweigh any potential benefit. My live well with pain https://my.livewellwithpain.co.uk Flippin pain https://www.flippinpain.co.uk/resources/ Pain explained by Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B14_2TS7RHM Duration: 6 mins 19 secs Turkish version https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RdGMJOAFkMU The Pain Toolkit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbqrM8W7D48 Duration: 9 mins 42 secs Brainman stops his opioids https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFOa7Z7MHHk&feature=youtu.be Duration: 5 mins 30 secs Pain and me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUXPqphwp2U Duration: 3 mins 6 secs |